Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
What is a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal?
A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) is an initial assessment that determines the ecological value of the site/structure. It consists of a site visit to determine the habitats and species that are present on-site and a background data search to evaluate data within the site's proximity.
The outcome of this survey is an informed report that details what impacts there may be as a result of the development and what actions will be needed to secure a successful outcome for the project.
It is a consideration of the Local Planning Authority (LPA) that appropriate measures have been undertaken during the planning process to consider the impacts on biodiversity when determining an application.
The report will detail recommendations that can be incorporated into the development to avoid negative impacts on the habitats and species that are present. But if these impacts can’t be determined following the PEA, further surveys will be recommended to better understand what impacts may occur.
A PEA can be done any time of the year, and planning to complete this before the spring/summer months is recommended. This is to avoid any delays to your project.
Contact us for further advice, with survey costs starting from £399+VAT.
The cost will vary with factors such as location, project size and complexity all playing their part in the total cost. Our costs start from £399+VAT.
Please contact us and we will be able to provide further advice and a quote.